
Biometric machines perpetuate harmful forms of discrimination and reduce humanity into diagrams used for for authentication, tracking and other forms of surveillance.

This performance is used to critique the rising biometric industry that transforms humanity into “a cage of information” through surveillance, bias and violence. It exaggerates these reductions done by biometric machines, transforming humanity into a material object for ones’ use which allows us to question our bodies (and datas’) relation to authoritarian powers and power structures.

The project aims at tackling the violence that dominates our contemporary moment and questions what happens to material objects, such as people and objects, when a living fabric is destroyed.

The project consists of a 5-channel video projection, 2-channel sound + subwoofer, tools, bricks, and boards. It explores these notions in the context of the Palestinian occupation by using material from destroyed sites in some areas in Palestine shedding light on he intersection between performance, the body and thingness through themes erasures, reappearances and resistance.

Curator Statement